Blog Number 9 semester II. Hello, welcome to my blog number nine to the second semester!!!馃榾 ⤏Changes to my study programme.⤎ As I said in previous blogs I´m study design, yes, only design 馃槙, because I am in my second year of career and here at the "Universidad de Chile" the first two or three years ( I don´t remember so well馃榿) they teach you both mentions. I do not know if that is right or wrong , but I would like to know more for my mention (industrial design). So, the first thing that I would maybe change is this. The another thing that I would like to change to my study programme are some subjects or I would like to add some subjects, like marketing. This subjects is like an elective wich is not wrong, but I would like to this subject to be literally implanted in the programme. The another thing that I don´t like it that the programme (but I´m not sure) is that, for example, in the subjects of processes and prototypes there are three section...
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Blog Number 8 semester II. Hi again, welcome to my blog number eight to this semester!!!. What do I think about meat consumption? 馃憖 ↣Meat consumption.↢ I want to start by saying that I eat meat, but I think it is not essential to live. So.. Why I eat meat? I eat meat because I don´t have so much information on where to find found vegan things, also here in Chile the vegan food it´s so expensive, and that´s one more difficulty. The true is that I would really like to be a vegetarian, and I try this, I know recipes for the most "addictive" or more "gluttonous" things, which is what it costs the most to leave. for example I know how to prepare mayonnaise with coconut milk, but it´s not relevant. So many people say that eat meat is not bad, and that is not entirely false. The bad thing is what we can do for a piece of meat. The livestock industry produces a large amount of toxic gases when processing meat, gases that go...
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Blog n°7 semester II. Hi again, welcome to my blog number seven to the spring semester!. 馃榾 Free topic... ⤏THINGS THAT I LIKE IT⤎ Hi, today I will talk about thinks that I like it. Very few people know that I like so much the clouds, but in specific the clouds that form figures. when I say that I like see the clouds the people watch me rare, because all people don´t see the nature, and they look weird at people that if they look the nature, I mean the mountain, a tree, the clouds, and other things of the nature. I can see the clouds for hours and hours, it´s so relaxing and it´s a good method to think. For me the clouds show the pass of the time. I like the clouds because the way that the clouds show the pass of the time it´s so different that we think or "know". One day thinking. I reached the conclusion that the clouds not only desintegrate or disappear, but the clouds can also camouflaged like a chameleon. it´s so weird read it ...
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Blog n°6 semester II. Hi again, welcome to my blog number six to this spring semester!!!馃憖 ↠POSTGRADUATE STUDIES↞ Contextualizing: In the last blog I was talk a little about my career and what I want when I graduate, and today I going to talk about what I want to study when I graduate. I have clear that I want to dedicated (Design of products), so how now I study only design I want to make a master in Design of products for will be a Designer of products. Also I want to study something with marketing or a small administration course, because I want to have a company or brand, and I need to have knowledge in this area. Other area that I like it is the pedagogy and specific the pedagogy in basic education. I know that is other career, but it´s something that has always interested me. In fact if I didn´t study design I would have studied pedagogy in basic eduaction, because I thing that the teachers are so more important for the children educ...
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Blog n°5 semester II. Hi, welcome to my blog number five to this semester!!!馃憖 My future job How some people know im studing design, but I like to much the industrial design and specifically the design of product. So when I graduate to the university I hope job how an industrial designer of products. Mi biggest dream is to have a brand and can have my own sustentable products for contribute a grain of sand in the world. 馃榿馃挏 And I have another more big dream or more big goals. Before to entry to the university I was want study teaching in elementary education, because I love teach, and I have the idea that the teachers are a pillar for the education of the children. So, when I graduate I want to "combinate" the twice and make some product what help a kids and people in general. Really I imagine myself job how an industrial designer, and I want to stay in my country, I mean in Chile; because I think that Chile have so much potential in t...
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Blog n°4 semester II. Hello everybody welcome to my blog number four!馃憖 "MY FAVORITE FOOD" I always loved food!!! and really really all the food!, but I only have three favorites food in the world. The first is the pasta, all the kinds of pastas and everything that has pasta, but in specifically tha spaghetti with bolognese sauce. I also like lasagna a lot, but not how the spaghetti. The second is the lentils. The lentils is my favorite food ever!!!馃構 I love it so much, I could eat dishes and dishes with lentils!!! But especifically I love the lentils that my mom prepares, I don´t know why, but I think that she prepares them in a different way, and that´s so fantastic. And the third is the salad; really all kind of salad with all existing vegetables with too much lemon and obviously with cesar sauce; that´s what make salad magic. I dont know, how I said before I love all the kind of food 馃構. But really how as humanity whe n...
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Blog N°3 semester II. Hello, welcome to my blog number 3!!!馃榾馃槣 "ROSES" Now do you stay thinking. Why roses? The answer is... I love roses, it' s my favorite flower in the world, because I see the roses how a comparision of how to trear people. And now you stay like.. What the hell? 馃槙 But it´s easier than how it sound. The roses had three important parts; the petals, the stalks with the leaves and the throns. For me the caracter to the roses stay in the thorns. So... you had three ways to trear a rose. 1) You cut one rose and you prick yourself with the throns, so then you cut the throns and you felling happy because now you had the rose, but the rose lost the caracter, lost it´s essence. Whit this I want to say that when you meet a person and you try to change the caracter of the person, and you think that you have it, but this isn´t the tru. 2) You only cut the rose, but you put it in a vase with water. ...
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Blog n°2 semester II. Hi, welcome to the second blog!!!馃榿馃槝 "The best holiday / concert ever" Thoughout mi life I´ve only have gone to two concert, so I don´t talk about this.馃構 So, I going to talk about one of the best holiday´s that I ever have!!! When I was a child, in the summer I always go to the beach with all mi family!!! My uncles will to lease a house or departament and all we stay in there, and I and all my cousins whe shared the same room, and on the nite we watched movies or told horror stories. On the day we go to the beach, or the other touristic place, and we played or swiming at the sea; while my uncles cook the lunch. Before the lunch we go to the touristic places, I don´t know, to visit the malls or craft fairs. I always was buy something for my mom, because for her job she never go with my to the family´s holidays. At the evening we go to played at the arcades rooms or the fairs of games, and we stay ther...
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Blog n° 1. semester II Hi welcome to the first blog of this second semester!!! "A country I´d like to visit " The country that I always will want to visit is Italy. I´m so interestying in Italy, because y think that the culture, the places, and the people are so kind. But my dream is live, and work in Venice. When I was a child I always dream to go to the "Bridge of sighs", because the history about this place it´s so intersting and its not about love, how to much people think. (you will read about this history 馃憖). Really, I would just go for see the "Bridge of sighs" and see the sea, and the heaven. But now, my dream, how I said before is work and live in Venice. I would like to have a mark and be a designer in this place. I will stay forever in Venice, it´s a so much beautiful place, and to much designers was stay in Italy. I dont know when I started to having interest in Italy, but I only know that one day ...
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hii!! nati here! 馃憖 again... today im going to talk about a person that admire and liked so much!!! called... DIETER RAMS Dieter Rams is a german designer associated with the consumer products company BRAUN, the furniture company VITSOE, and the functionalist school of the industrial design. One of his greatest inventions or achievements was to create the ten principles for good design, which are very important, because even Apple uses them. He also created his most famous phrase. "less but better". As I said before, Apple with Jonathan Iive follow their principles and thoughts very well. Dieter is a inspiration, because his way of designing and thinking is not seen in many designers, his way of doing things is very specific and exact; making your products or designed objects have a very good finish and shape. Because of this he is one of the most recognized and important designers in Germany, his methodology i...
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hi! 馃榾 ...again -.-...馃槕 Now im going to talk about an example of design that i like it so much Madame Tussauds The Madame Tussauds is a wax museum in London, was founded fot the wax great sculptor Marie Tussauds. Madame Tussauds is a major tourist attraction in london, displaying the waxworks of famous and historical figures, as well as popular film and television characters. This museum stay at Marylebone, london NW1 5LR, on England. This place i like it, beacuse on the outside shows a very simple copulation, but on inside the museum is so incredible. On inside all the museum had a to much figures of wax, of singers, famous and historical people...
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hi!! again. 馃槃馃挏 here nati:) This post is about a photograph that i like it. One of the mi favorites photos is an a place on Venice. PONTE DEI SOSPIRI. This place called the "Ponte dei sospiri" or in english "bridge of sighs" its a bridge in Italy in the Venice city, that had a so interesting history. This bridge conected the Palace of Ducal whit the plaza of san Marcos, before in the palace was stay the jail, so the prisoners was transfer to the palace of the plaza to be executed, so when the prisoners was walk to the bridge they looked the ocean and saw the sunset for last time. In the actuality the people think that the "Ponte dei sospiri" called for this way because its a romantic place, but not much people know the...
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hi! today i talk about my favorite food!! i have two favorites foods that i loved!! 馃槏 the first is lentils that my mom make, because its so delicious and yummy, and because when i eat the lentils of my mom i remember when i was child, when the wednesday my mom stay in the house and she was waiting for me whit lentils. i remember that im stay in the school and i pass all the day thinking in the moment when i go to mi house with mi mom and sit whit she to eat and talk about anything. the second is the pasta whit bolognese sauce ... i love it so much!!! the pasta dont make me remember something, just like it because... its glorious!!!!!!馃槝馃槏馃槏馃槏 and because its so easy to do, so when im hungry i just preparate a little much pasta and yup!!! random date: other food that i like it so much is the salmon and shrimp !!!! and the pasta whit sauce whit either of the two its 馃槏 perfect!!!
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hi!! welcome to my second post!!!馃構馃槉 today im going to talk about my beautiful career and my dreams job when i was a child. so... when i was a child my dream job was be teacher in something, but when i had to choose for the university im choose design how mi first option in the Universidad de chile but my second option was basical pedagogy in the same university. finally im studing desing and today im in my second years of this career. my exprerience al the university its so much super great, because i like so much my career and all that im learn, all its so interesting. im love my career. today the job that i like to have is have an industrial desing company and my most big dream is work on italy!!! my other dream is unite the desing and pedagogy.馃槏馃挀馃挭 bye!!!
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hi, mi name is nati!!!馃槂 welcome to my first blog!!! My name is Natalia Francisca Vald茅s Jorquera and i have 19 years old. I was born in santiago of chile, and all my life live in Puente Alto. When i was a child i studiet in the Merryland school until the 5 years, and then i go to The Garden School when y get graduated. 馃憣馃槏 I get studied pedagogy in basical education in the Universidad Catolica when i left before 4 months.馃榿 then i get studied desing in the Universidad de Chile when im today. I live with my mom, my Bro and my 2 dogs called Lupita and Reyna in Puente Alto. i dont have to much hobbies, only read somethimes when i listening music and cooking this is all. bye!.馃挆