Blog Number 9 semester II. 

Hello, welcome to my blog number nine to the second semester!!!😀

⤏Changes to my study programme.⤎

As I said in previous blogs I´m study design, yes, only design 😕, because I am in my second year of career and here at the "Universidad de Chile" the first two or three years ( I don´t remember so well😁) they teach you both mentions.

I do not know if that is right or wrong , but I would like to know more for my mention (industrial design). 

So, the first thing that I would maybe change is this. The another thing that I would like to change to my study programme are some subjects or I would like to add some subjects, like marketing. This subjects is like an elective wich is not wrong, but I would like to this subject to be literally implanted in the programme. 

The another thing that I don´t like it that the programme (but I´m not sure) is that, for example, in the subjects of processes and prototypes there are three sections, and each section is taught differently and sometimes different things, that´s not wrong, but this sometimes means that there is not the same level of learning. 

And the last and obvious thing that I would really like to change is the "A block" and all the really bad organization there, Because that´s so really wrong.😕

And this is all for today, I hope you have a great day!!!
See you soon in my next post.


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