Blog n°2 semester II.
Hi, welcome to the second blog!!!馃榿馃槝

"The best holiday / concert ever" 

Thoughout mi life I´ve only have gone to two concert, so I don´t talk about this.馃構

So, I going to talk about one of the best holiday´s that I ever have!!!

Resultado de imagen para beach vi脙±a del mar

When I was a child, in the summer I always go to the beach with all mi family!!!
My uncles will to lease a house or departament and all we stay in there, and I and  all my cousins whe shared the same room, and on the nite we watched movies or told horror stories. 
On the day we go to the beach, or the other touristic place, and we played or swiming at the sea; while my uncles cook the lunch. 
Before the lunch we go to the touristic places, I don´t know, to visit the malls or craft fairs. I always was buy something for my mom, because for her job she never go with my to the family´s holidays. 
At the evening we go to played at the arcades rooms or the fairs of games, and we stay there until the 12 AM. Then we go back to retur to the house, and the whole family played domino´s or "Who´s this", or another game to play on group. 

But the best part was when my mom going to look for me, and stayed for a few days. 
I know  all that I said today it isn´t a specifit holiday, but all the "family´s holidays" was perfect for me, because now we are older and we no longer had a family´s holidays. 

So... this is all. bye 馃槉


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