hii!! nati here! 👀 again... today im going to talk about a person that admire and liked so much!!! called... DIETER RAMS Dieter Rams is a german designer associated with the consumer products company BRAUN, the furniture company VITSOE, and the functionalist school of the industrial design. One of his greatest inventions or achievements was to create the ten principles for good design, which are very important, because even Apple uses them. He also created his most famous phrase. "less but better". As I said before, Apple with Jonathan Iive follow their principles and thoughts very well. Dieter is a inspiration, because his way of designing and thinking is not seen in many designers, his way of doing things is very specific and exact; making your products or designed objects have a very good finish and shape. Because of this he is one of the most recognized and important designers in Germany, his methodology i...
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019
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hi! 😀 ...again -.-...😑 Now im going to talk about an example of design that i like it so much Madame Tussauds The Madame Tussauds is a wax museum in London, was founded fot the wax great sculptor Marie Tussauds. Madame Tussauds is a major tourist attraction in london, displaying the waxworks of famous and historical figures, as well as popular film and television characters. This museum stay at Marylebone, london NW1 5LR, on England. This place i like it, beacuse on the outside shows a very simple copulation, but on inside the museum is so incredible. On inside all the museum had a to much figures of wax, of singers, famous and historical people...
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hi!! again. 😄💜 here nati:) This post is about a photograph that i like it. One of the mi favorites photos is an a place on Venice. PONTE DEI SOSPIRI. This place called the "Ponte dei sospiri" or in english "bridge of sighs" its a bridge in Italy in the Venice city, that had a so interesting history. This bridge conected the Palace of Ducal whit the plaza of san Marcos, before in the palace was stay the jail, so the prisoners was transfer to the palace of the plaza to be executed, so when the prisoners was walk to the bridge they looked the ocean and saw the sunset for last time. In the actuality the people think that the "Ponte dei sospiri" called for this way because its a romantic place, but not much people know the...